The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 2)
5. "Horror Amityville" (The Amityville Horror, 2005) And another bright representative of the genre in 2005 — "Horror Amityville". We finally got to the spirits and demons. And again, a…

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"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…

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"The dead don't die": phlegmatic inevitability
Jim Jarmusch in General in love with zombies was not particularly noticed: Yes, he mentioned them in his previous creation, "only lovers will Survive", but few people expected a film…

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“Favorite” Yorgos Lanthimos: rabbits, chocolate cakes and other” weaknesses ” of Queen Anne

This week in the Russian hire came “Favorite” (The favorite) Yorgos Lanthimos. The film for Lantimosa highly ambiguous and not so pretentious as “Murder of sacred deer” or “Lobster” – comfortably watch until the end of, understand that is happening (and even obtain from this pleasure) will be able if not all, then many.

The thing is probably that “Favorite” is not an author’s project, but a commercial one. For the first time, the script of the film was not handled by the Director himself, but by writer and producer Deborah Davis and series writer and Director Tony McNamara.The plot of the film is built around the Palace intrigues between two confidants of the British Queen Anne, the last reigning monarch of the Stuart dynasty. The narrative covers the earliest start time of the reign of Queen — the end of XVII and beginning of XVIII century. Continue reading

Scary evil: eight charismatic maniacs from the world of cinema (part 1)
We continue to develop the theme of horror, and this time we present a selection of the most intriguing psychopaths from the world of cinema from Hitchcock to the present…


Netflix's best documentaries: untold stories
The American television network Netflix has a reputation for several years as a supplier of valuable documentaries, including both bright Oscar-winning works and large-scale scientific studies of modern society. Believe…


Scary evil: eight charismatic maniacs from the world of cinema (part 1)
We continue to develop the theme of horror, and this time we present a selection of the most intriguing psychopaths from the world of cinema from Hitchcock to the present…
