History of self-censorship in Hollywood (part 1)
Censorship is a familiar word for everyone who grew up in the former Soviet republics. It is feared, it is hated, it is reproached, but one of the most terrible…

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Watch and dance: the top seven movies about dancing
"Dance is almost a Declaration of love," Dostoevsky said. "Cinema should make the viewer forget that he is sitting in the cinema," Polanski repeated. Movies about dancing or dancing in…

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"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…

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“Draft”: in this world, the book was spoiled

What book adaptations can be called successful? The first head of the average citizen is likely to be “Lord of the rings” “Hobbit” and “Harry Potter”, more sophisticated remember, for example, “blade Runner”, “johnny Mnemonic” or some version of “Sherlock Holmes”, and from recent works, even a “First player to get ready.” But who exactly will not fall into the lists of successful film adaptations-the newly released “Draft” based on the novel of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko.

What is the secret of a successful film adaptation? Clearly not to transfer to the screen every word written in the book — even in “the hobbit” six hours of video footage does not correspond to 100% of the story in the 60-plus pages. Continue reading

“The first player to get ready”: from geeks, about geeks, for geeks

Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project” the First player to prepare ” (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure, steeped in nostalgia for the end of the twentieth century-the time when the adventure genre was ruled by Spielberg films.

The basis of the film adaptation was the novel of the same name by Ernest Kline, and Kline also worked on the script of the film. The story tells how in 2045 the world, which has hardly survived fuel, economic and other social crises, hides from the harsh reality in the virtual reality. This fake world called OASIS was created by James Holliday (mark Rylance, “Spy bridge”, “Dunkirk”), who is compared to Steve jobs in terms of influence on humanity.But, like jobs, Holliday is not eternal-however, he, unlike the prototype from Apple, had no heirs and left a special will: somewhere in the OASIS hid the “Easter egg” (a secret left by the developers, usually not related to the main concept of the game). Continue reading

Five must-see movies about music

If you want to really feel the life of your favorite artist or band, you should pay attention to the genre of documentary films about music. Agree, nothing captures as the opportunity to find yourself “in the shoes” of a favorite artist.

To date, there are many good films in the documentary genre, and Directors continue to delight us with annual premieres. Over the past decade, there have been at least a few first-class thematic films, well, below is a selection of our favorites.

“What’s the matter, miss Simon?”(What Happened, Miss Simone, 2015)Many documentaries about music are not easy to find after they have been removed from the box office or after being broadcast on TV. Fortunately, with the advent of the Netflix service, something has changed, and now we can enjoy a film about Nina Simone.
The film directed by Liz Garbus is episodes from the singer’s home archive, footage from her life, unreleased songs. “What Happened, Miss Simone” has been presented at several prestigious festivals and nominated for an Academy award as “Best documentary of the year”.The story of this woman is amazing. Continue reading

"Predator" 2018: it would all be funny if it wasn't tasteless
September 13, "Predator" (the Predator) returned to the big screens. The film was directed by Shane black (Shane Black), who played one of the roles in the cult action film…


"Aladdin": this movie should be called " Jasmine»
"Aladdin" (Aladdin), seems, was the only cartoon Golden era Disney, where the main, Central character history was not Princess, and its intended-and this even reflected in the title. But in…


"Venom": back in the nineties
The genre of motion picture comics continues to gain popularity, but in recent years it seems Marvel and its disney stories have virtually become monopolists in this market. Yes, DC…
