"Joker": there are no superheroes, and there are sick people
"The Joker" is perhaps the most caressed film festivals, the center of which is a comic book character. And it's understandable why: it doesn't look like a comic book movie.…

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Dreams come true: 10 films about the Christmas miracle
New year is a time when dreams come true, and it does not matter whether you live on 3rd street Builders or Fifth Avenue. We have compiled for you a…

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"Deadpool 2": more action, more characters and more drama
Than in its time shot the first "Deadpool"? Graphic cruelty, jokes on the verge of not that decency, but just common sense, an attempt to turn upside down typical for…

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“Spider-man: across the universes”: a movie comic in the truest sense

The franchise “spider-Man” began its life in the sixties of the last century and for such a considerable period has grown seriously. If all began with the story of Peter Parker, then in the future radioactive spiders bit a variety of people and inhumans in parallel, restarted and simply alternative universes. It is about the diversity of spider-men and tells “spider-Man: through the universes” (Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse).

In comics major publications-DC and Marvel-the notion of parallel and alternative universes there is very long. So long ago that it is difficult to say which of the universes is still original. These universes differ from each other slightly sometimes, just one detail — for example, the sex of the character, and in other cases the difference is visible in everything.Peter Parker and spider-Man fell in love with the public, and so versions of the creature bitten by a radioactive spider began to multiply and multiply. Continue reading

“Spider-man: away from home”: what do I want to be when I grow up?

Another marvel movie comic, spider-Man: far From Home, had to perform several tasks. He should somehow smooth out the effect of the “Finale”, effectively launch a new phase in the history of this film universe and become no worse than the previous spider-man film, “Homecoming” (about how to become better “Through the universes”, there is no question).

“Away from home” comes out in the midst of high school graduates applying to universities, and the film’s main storyline intersects with this event a little. Peter Parker, a sixteen-year-old who has all thoughts only about a classmate, will have to choose how to live on-to remain a friendly neighbor spider-Man, who has time to study and friends, or take responsibility and become a full-fledged hero, on whose actions the fate of not the district, but the whole world depends. Continue reading

Best horror movie soundtracks
Ever wondered what makes a horror soundtrack truly great? First, there is the ever-present tension-mostly between seemingly simple melodies and the ominous sounds that gradually supplant them. Secondly, the abundance…


(Not)heroes: the story of a deconstructed superhero image in comic book adaptations
Marvel now many took out. More precisely, not even Marvel itself as such, but the dominance of their film comics. Film adaptations are full of stamps and even self-copying (I…


From the bird to make an elephant and inflate to the size of the globe
"You can't put a loaded gun on the stage if no one means to shoot it. Can't promise anything."/A. P. Chekhov. A teenage girl who requires everyone to call herself"Lady…
