"Alita: battle angel": the cutest cyberpunk
Cyberpunk, like, by definition, can not be cute: the world in which high tech is combined with low life, most often shown in the dark and damp, highlighting objects with…

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"The first player to get ready": from geeks, about geeks, for geeks
Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project" the First player to prepare " (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure,…

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(Not)heroes: the story of a deconstructed superhero image in comic book adaptations
Marvel now many took out. More precisely, not even Marvel itself as such, but the dominance of their film comics. Film adaptations are full of stamps and even self-copying (I…

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Best horror movie soundtracks

Ever wondered what makes a horror soundtrack truly great? First, there is the ever-present tension-mostly between seemingly simple melodies and the ominous sounds that gradually supplant them. Secondly, the abundance of esoteric instruments (the theremin has never sounded so convincing). The clumsy sound is the basis of most tracks. Derived from these chords the whole song is not so easy — perhaps that is why so many “raw” soundtracks to horror films. Fortunately, none of them are on this list.

The concept of lightness and ambiguity plays an important role here. Do you know that feeling that something is wrong? The very best horror movie soundtracks do it in an unusually subtle, slow, gradual way, moving away from your sense of security. Many melodies fade, being separated from their film, or at least lose the effect of their impact. Continue reading

Scary evil: eight charismatic maniacs from the world of cinema (part 2)
7. Maniac (Bloody harvest/FR. Haute tension, France, 2003) French Thriller directed by Alexander Azhe ("Mirrors", "the hills have eyes") in our collection — a kind of delicacy before dessert... This…


10 best and worst films about composers
Everything in this world has been covered in movies, and classical music is no exception. The personalities of many great composers aroused the interest of Directors, which is not surprising,…


"Venom": back in the nineties
The genre of motion picture comics continues to gain popularity, but in recent years it seems Marvel and its disney stories have virtually become monopolists in this market. Yes, DC…
