"Men in black: international": spin-off without a spark
The first "Men in black", released in 1997, was very successful. And even in those years, success spawned sequels. The second and third films were not so good, and now,…

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The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 2)
5. "Horror Amityville" (The Amityville Horror, 2005) And another bright representative of the genre in 2005 — "Horror Amityville". We finally got to the spirits and demons. And again, a…

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17 music videos with the participation of film characters
Today we remember the glorious and, unfortunately, forgotten art form-music videos in the style of cinema. The 80s and 90s of the last century are magical times filled with music…

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creative impulse

TV series “Chernobyl”: peaceful atom in the service of the entertainment industry

Chamber mini-project for 5 episodes caused a real surge of spectator activity. There is talk of the decline of the serial era, “Chernobyl” has become a kind of small TV reactor, where a minimum of fuel releases a giant amount of energy.

Atomic Affairs are always the twilight element. Recall that the processes in RBMK-1000 went out of control at the minimum power of the reactor. When I started reviewing the now-super-famous HBO production, I was subject to a few restrictions that made the writing even more interesting.First, given the reverent attitude of the editors Stereo.ru in addition to political statements, the assessment of the historical context of the 1986 accident remained outside the brackets. Secondly, the phenomenon of the series “Chernobyl”, which leapfrogged the popularity of “Game of thrones” and became the leader of IMDb, has already been spoken by everyone – in conversations, podcasts, Facebook and television screens. Continue reading

"Quiet place": hush, mice, cat on the roof
"A quiet place" (a Quiet Place) - a new film is not yet very famous in our area Director John Krasinski next week in the Russian box office. The film…


"Fantastic beasts: the crimes of green de walda": the darkness of heartache
What certainly expects the viewer, going to the film on the universe of "Harry Potter"? Most likely, the feeling of magic, tales — sometimes naive, sometimes harsh, sometimes too close…


"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…
