"Aquaman": good old illogical Thriller
The film industry loves to flirt with nostalgia. First of all, this feeling is focused on all sorts of sequels-prequels and other sidequels, clinging to the already famous franchise. But…

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Horror movie man: remastered and dubbed
How much anxiety audiophiles delivers the difference in sound of the two records, while literally next to the movie tracks there is a Texas chainsaw massacre. Discuss? Mastering of the…

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"Spider-man: across the universes": a movie comic in the truest sense
The franchise "spider-Man" began its life in the sixties of the last century and for such a considerable period has grown seriously. If all began with the story of Peter…

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The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 1)

Have you ever wondered about the reason for such a wide popularity of the horror genre? Is it normal to watch people suffer on the screen? Well, it depends what we take for the norm. Analyzing the popularity of films with a rating of 16, and even 18+, with an abundance of blood, dismemberment and multiple scenes of violence, scientists have come to the conclusion that in this way people — mainly male audience — realize the behavior peculiar to the ancients, or rather — the assessment of danger. The choice to watch horror movies in the viewer is quite conscious: in this case, the desire to get a dose of adrenaline, thrills, which many so lacking in real life. Continue reading

“Chronicles of predatory cities”: the triumph of the picture over the meaning

Authors, artists and other creators regularly come up with a variety of ends of the world for our world, describe in detail the worlds that grow out of the ashes of a nuclear war or some major cataclysm. Each Apocalypse is different details, but all scenarios are similar in one thing: people do not change and still crave power, strength and power, despite the mistakes of the past. In the film “Chronicles of predatory cities” (Mortal Engines) also shows this story.

The basis for the film was a series of books by Philip Reeve-teenage adventure novels. And the first film almost completely illustrates the events described in the first book, slightly changing the details, removing most of the clumsy teardrop moments, but generously scattering epicness. Continue reading

Watch and dance: the top seven movies about dancing

“Dance is almost a Declaration of love,” Dostoevsky said. “Cinema should make the viewer forget that he is sitting in the cinema,” Polanski repeated. Movies about dancing or dancing in the movies. Or maybe movie stories about love, passion, self-discovery, midlife crisis. So, today-a selection of films about dances and dancers. Look, enjoy, count the number of repetitions of the root “dance” and do not forget to dance to the beat!

1. “Saturday night Fever” (Saturday Night Fever, 1977)the Film directed by John Badham entered the history of cinema and fell in love with the audience, including thanks to the dances performed by a young John Travolta. Moreover, this tape has become a symbol of the bright, sparkling disco era.The main character is Tony Manero, a Brooklyn hardware store worker. But behind Tony’s seemingly uncouth appearance and uncouth manner lies the vulnerable, sensitive soul of a dancer from God. Every weekend Tony goes to the major club just to dance. Continue reading

"The dead don't die": phlegmatic inevitability
Jim Jarmusch in General in love with zombies was not particularly noticed: Yes, he mentioned them in his previous creation, "only lovers will Survive", but few people expected a film…


"Fantastic beasts: the crimes of green de walda": the darkness of heartache
What certainly expects the viewer, going to the film on the universe of "Harry Potter"? Most likely, the feeling of magic, tales — sometimes naive, sometimes harsh, sometimes too close…


History of self-censorship in Hollywood (part 2)
Self-censorship didn't work. Therefore, in 1968, the MPAA rating system appeared. And the debate about it has not subsided until the threat of government censorship , together with the court…
