"Men in black: international": spin-off without a spark
The first "Men in black", released in 1997, was very successful. And even in those years, success spawned sequels. The second and third films were not so good, and now,…

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TV series "Chernobyl": peaceful atom in the service of the entertainment industry
Chamber mini-project for 5 episodes caused a real surge of spectator activity. There is talk of the decline of the serial era, "Chernobyl" has become a kind of small TV…

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Five must-see movies about music
If you want to really feel the life of your favorite artist or band, you should pay attention to the genre of documentary films about music. Agree, nothing captures as…

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(Not)heroes: the story of a deconstructed superhero image in comic book adaptations

Marvel now many took out. More precisely, not even Marvel itself as such, but the dominance of their film comics. Film adaptations are full of stamps and even self-copying (I still laugh at how similar the plots of the third “Thor” and “Black Panther” are, and how much they differ in implementation), and the conveyor feed of content simply tired some viewers, and a trip to the cinema for a fan of comics turned from a holiday into a routine. But then deconstruction burst onto the stage of film adaptations again — and this time it appeared on time and in a big way.

Spoonful of history: the eighties was a difficult period for the comic book industry. Stories began to gradually move away from the riot of colors, irrepressible pathos and ultrapositive, deeper and stronger to consider social problems, to climb into politics, to criticize the existing system, through the prism of other, artificial worlds to tell what is happening in the real world, exaggerating events and their outcomes. Continue reading

"Predator" 2018: it would all be funny if it wasn't tasteless
September 13, "Predator" (the Predator) returned to the big screens. The film was directed by Shane black (Shane Black), who played one of the roles in the cult action film…


"Chronicles of predatory cities": the triumph of the picture over the meaning
Authors, artists and other creators regularly come up with a variety of ends of the world for our world, describe in detail the worlds that grow out of the ashes…


"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…
