"Spider-man: across the universes": a movie comic in the truest sense
The franchise "spider-Man" began its life in the sixties of the last century and for such a considerable period has grown seriously. If all began with the story of Peter…

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17 music videos with the participation of film characters
Today we remember the glorious and, unfortunately, forgotten art form-music videos in the style of cinema. The 80s and 90s of the last century are magical times filled with music…

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"Aladdin": this movie should be called " Jasmine»
"Aladdin" (Aladdin), seems, was the only cartoon Golden era Disney, where the main, Central character history was not Princess, and its intended-and this even reflected in the title. But in…

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“Captain marvel”: friendly neighbor Carol Danvers

Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape “Captain marvel” (Captain Marvel) tells the story of a relatively little-known in the vastness of Russia Carol Danvers, but it is told with a very clear and, what to hide, nice.

The film is built so that superheroes do not seem. This is primarily the story of a particular person, and despite the constant mention of saving the world — and not one-looks very intimate, in fact affecting only a small handful of characters.It is a story of becoming, of representation, of appearance. And not only the main character-Carol Danvers, but also others already familiar to us from the earlier films of the film universe.It’s a very cute movie. I don’t know if I’ve been lucky enough to get cute pictures lately, but compared to all the latest movie comics, “Captain marvel” is as toothless as possible. Continue reading

"Fantastic beasts: the crimes of green de walda": the darkness of heartache
What certainly expects the viewer, going to the film on the universe of "Harry Potter"? Most likely, the feeling of magic, tales — sometimes naive, sometimes harsh, sometimes too close…


From the bird to make an elephant and inflate to the size of the globe
"You can't put a loaded gun on the stage if no one means to shoot it. Can't promise anything."/A. P. Chekhov. A teenage girl who requires everyone to call herself"Lady…


"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…
