"Mandy": and one in the field warrior
It is not necessary to Wake a sleeping bear, know all the inhabitants of the forest and hunters. And that not to Wake Nicolas cage should have been learned by…

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Five must-see movies about music
If you want to really feel the life of your favorite artist or band, you should pay attention to the genre of documentary films about music. Agree, nothing captures as…

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(Not)heroes: the story of a deconstructed superhero image in comic book adaptations
Marvel now many took out. More precisely, not even Marvel itself as such, but the dominance of their film comics. Film adaptations are full of stamps and even self-copying (I…

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“Captain marvel”: friendly neighbor Carol Danvers

Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape “Captain marvel” (Captain Marvel) tells the story of a relatively little-known in the vastness of Russia Carol Danvers, but it is told with a very clear and, what to hide, nice.

The film is built so that superheroes do not seem. This is primarily the story of a particular person, and despite the constant mention of saving the world — and not one-looks very intimate, in fact affecting only a small handful of characters.It is a story of becoming, of representation, of appearance. And not only the main character-Carol Danvers, but also others already familiar to us from the earlier films of the film universe.It’s a very cute movie. I don’t know if I’ve been lucky enough to get cute pictures lately, but compared to all the latest movie comics, “Captain marvel” is as toothless as possible. Continue reading

"MiG": 25 meters.
At the box office, a fantastic Thriller with a concise title " Meg " joint American-Chinese production. Declared in the list of the hottest new films of the summer season,…


"Joker": there are no superheroes, and there are sick people
"The Joker" is perhaps the most caressed film festivals, the center of which is a comic book character. And it's understandable why: it doesn't look like a comic book movie.…


History of self-censorship in Hollywood (part 2)
Self-censorship didn't work. Therefore, in 1968, the MPAA rating system appeared. And the debate about it has not subsided until the threat of government censorship , together with the court…
