How Hollywood is slowly introducing AI to make movies
The world of movies is full of intriguing "what if": will Smith, as you know, refused the role of Neo, Nicolas cage got the lead role in" Superman " Tim…

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17 music videos with the participation of film characters
Today we remember the glorious and, unfortunately, forgotten art form-music videos in the style of cinema. The 80s and 90s of the last century are magical times filled with music…

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«Once... in Hollywood": he did it again
"He did it again, "the guy behind me said with some undisguised admiration, as soon as" Once... in Hollywood" (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) ended and went to credits.…

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“Spider-man: across the universes”: a movie comic in the truest sense

The franchise “spider-Man” began its life in the sixties of the last century and for such a considerable period has grown seriously. If all began with the story of Peter Parker, then in the future radioactive spiders bit a variety of people and inhumans in parallel, restarted and simply alternative universes. It is about the diversity of spider-men and tells “spider-Man: through the universes” (Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse).

In comics major publications-DC and Marvel-the notion of parallel and alternative universes there is very long. So long ago that it is difficult to say which of the universes is still original. These universes differ from each other slightly sometimes, just one detail — for example, the sex of the character, and in other cases the difference is visible in everything.Peter Parker and spider-Man fell in love with the public, and so versions of the creature bitten by a radioactive spider began to multiply and multiply. Continue reading

Horror movie man: remastered and dubbed
How much anxiety audiophiles delivers the difference in sound of the two records, while literally next to the movie tracks there is a Texas chainsaw massacre. Discuss? Mastering of the…


The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 2)
5. "Horror Amityville" (The Amityville Horror, 2005) And another bright representative of the genre in 2005 — "Horror Amityville". We finally got to the spirits and demons. And again, a…


The success story of the Marvel cinematic universe and its impact on culture (part 1)
On Monday, April 29, in Russia started rolling the final picture in the current phase of the marvel cinematic universe- "Avengers: Final" (Avengers: Endgame). Marvel together with Disney went to…
