"Bohemian Rhapsody": the birth and fall of a legend
I can't assess the impact of Queen on the world — I was born after Freddie mercury died, and I didn't see Live Aid or the Barcelona Olympics or anything…

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Short on the main thing: five mini-series that you can watch in one day
2018 gave a lot of good projects mini-format, and we have selected for you the best of the best. The list includes the premieres of the outgoing year, which appealed…

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"Spider-man: away from home": what do I want to be when I grow up?
Another marvel movie comic, spider-Man: far From Home, had to perform several tasks. He should somehow smooth out the effect of the "Finale", effectively launch a new phase in the…

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“Captain marvel”: friendly neighbor Carol Danvers

Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape “Captain marvel” (Captain Marvel) tells the story of a relatively little-known in the vastness of Russia Carol Danvers, but it is told with a very clear and, what to hide, nice.

The film is built so that superheroes do not seem. This is primarily the story of a particular person, and despite the constant mention of saving the world — and not one-looks very intimate, in fact affecting only a small handful of characters.It is a story of becoming, of representation, of appearance. And not only the main character-Carol Danvers, but also others already familiar to us from the earlier films of the film universe.It’s a very cute movie. I don’t know if I’ve been lucky enough to get cute pictures lately, but compared to all the latest movie comics, “Captain marvel” is as toothless as possible. Continue reading

The success story of the Marvel cinematic universe and its impact on culture (part 1)
On Monday, April 29, in Russia started rolling the final picture in the current phase of the marvel cinematic universe- "Avengers: Final" (Avengers: Endgame). Marvel together with Disney went to…


The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 2)
5. "Horror Amityville" (The Amityville Horror, 2005) And another bright representative of the genre in 2005 — "Horror Amityville". We finally got to the spirits and demons. And again, a…


"Spider-man: across the universes": a movie comic in the truest sense
The franchise "spider-Man" began its life in the sixties of the last century and for such a considerable period has grown seriously. If all began with the story of Peter…
