"Quiet place": hush, mice, cat on the roof
"A quiet place" (a Quiet Place) - a new film is not yet very famous in our area Director John Krasinski next week in the Russian box office. The film…

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"Alita: battle angel": the cutest cyberpunk
Cyberpunk, like, by definition, can not be cute: the world in which high tech is combined with low life, most often shown in the dark and damp, highlighting objects with…

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"The first player to get ready": from geeks, about geeks, for geeks
Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project" the First player to prepare " (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure,…

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TV series “Chernobyl”: peaceful atom in the service of the entertainment industry

Chamber mini-project for 5 episodes caused a real surge of spectator activity. There is talk of the decline of the serial era, “Chernobyl” has become a kind of small TV reactor, where a minimum of fuel releases a giant amount of energy.

Atomic Affairs are always the twilight element. Recall that the processes in RBMK-1000 went out of control at the minimum power of the reactor. When I started reviewing the now-super-famous HBO production, I was subject to a few restrictions that made the writing even more interesting.First, given the reverent attitude of the editors Stereo.ru in addition to political statements, the assessment of the historical context of the 1986 accident remained outside the brackets. Secondly, the phenomenon of the series “Chernobyl”, which leapfrogged the popularity of “Game of thrones” and became the leader of IMDb, has already been spoken by everyone – in conversations, podcasts, Facebook and television screens. Continue reading

"Detective Pikachu": the highest quality digital fur
Video game movies are usually unlucky. The writers are struggling to connect what is happening in the games sur with the real world and real logic, because of what they…


10 best and worst films about composers
Everything in this world has been covered in movies, and classical music is no exception. The personalities of many great composers aroused the interest of Directors, which is not surprising,…


The success story of the Marvel cinematic universe and its impact on culture (part 2)
"Dr. Strange" raised important questions of belief in oneself and in the world, questions of perception of reality and how it can be influenced. It is impossible to leave aside…
