10 best and worst films about composers
Everything in this world has been covered in movies, and classical music is no exception. The personalities of many great composers aroused the interest of Directors, which is not surprising,…

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«Once... in Hollywood": he did it again
"He did it again, "the guy behind me said with some undisguised admiration, as soon as" Once... in Hollywood" (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) ended and went to credits.…

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How Hollywood is slowly introducing AI to make movies
The world of movies is full of intriguing "what if": will Smith, as you know, refused the role of Neo, Nicolas cage got the lead role in" Superman " Tim…

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“Joker”: there are no superheroes, and there are sick people

“The Joker” is perhaps the most caressed film festivals, the center of which is a comic book character. And it’s understandable why: it doesn’t look like a comic book movie. On the other hand, why tie him to Batman?

Clearly, why: to go to him comic book fans and made him a bigger box office. If the character of such a film was some left-wing uncle, and not the future main antagonist of Batman, I would not go to him. I don’t like movies like that.There are films, you know, heavy, but the severity is different. It can be thick, viscous, as if not yet properly frozen jelly, and this boring. From such a sticky weight you want to get rid of as soon as possible — and it’s easy to do, you can exit the session or close the player window. “Joker” – not dense, it oppressive terrible hopelessness of the broken destiny and romanticization of mental disorders and violence. There is no escape from this hopelessness.Like any self-respecting comic book character that has existed for decades, the Joker has several origin stories. And none of the comics are the same as what Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix showed in the film.Phillips told the story of a sick man. Continue reading

Five must-see movies about music
If you want to really feel the life of your favorite artist or band, you should pay attention to the genre of documentary films about music. Agree, nothing captures as…


17 music videos with the participation of film characters
Today we remember the glorious and, unfortunately, forgotten art form-music videos in the style of cinema. The 80s and 90s of the last century are magical times filled with music…


"The first player to get ready": from geeks, about geeks, for geeks
Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project" the First player to prepare " (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure,…
