"Lion king": digital " in the animal world»
It feels like Disney decided to reshoot its entire catalog. Well, maybe someday they will get to "El Dorado", "Atlantis" or "treasure Planet" , but for now they are releasing…

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"The first player to get ready": from geeks, about geeks, for geeks
Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project" the First player to prepare " (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure,…

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"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…

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“Predator” 2018: it would all be funny if it wasn’t tasteless

September 13, “Predator” (the Predator) returned to the big screens. The film was directed by Shane black (Shane Black), who played one of the roles in the cult action film in 1987. We watched the sequel to the famous franchise and tried to understand what “Predator 2018″ has to do with the original, if at all.

Everyone knows the merits of the first two films of 1987 and 1990. Director John McTiernan turned a commando RAID into an ancient Greek tragedy in the midst of a green jungle hell, a March of the doomed. The second film gave way to the debut of” Predator ” commercially, but still Stephen Hopkins also managed to impress with the atmosphere of a sultry bloody summer in Los Angeles and the will to live of the protagonist. Further in the epic there came a time of timelessness when the former assistants of assistants on special effects pitted “Predator” with “Stranger”, and even charged to deal with a monster to the comic suffocator Adrian Brody. Continue reading

“Joker”: there are no superheroes, and there are sick people

“The Joker” is perhaps the most caressed film festivals, the center of which is a comic book character. And it’s understandable why: it doesn’t look like a comic book movie. On the other hand, why tie him to Batman?

Clearly, why: to go to him comic book fans and made him a bigger box office. If the character of such a film was some left-wing uncle, and not the future main antagonist of Batman, I would not go to him. I don’t like movies like that.There are films, you know, heavy, but the severity is different. It can be thick, viscous, as if not yet properly frozen jelly, and this boring. From such a sticky weight you want to get rid of as soon as possible — and it’s easy to do, you can exit the session or close the player window. “Joker” – not dense, it oppressive terrible hopelessness of the broken destiny and romanticization of mental disorders and violence. There is no escape from this hopelessness.Like any self-respecting comic book character that has existed for decades, the Joker has several origin stories. And none of the comics are the same as what Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix showed in the film.Phillips told the story of a sick man. Continue reading

"The first player to get ready": from geeks, about geeks, for geeks
Steven Spielberg rarely makes movies lately. But it seems as if the project" the First player to prepare " (Ready Player One) was created for him. It is an action-adventure,…


Dreams come true: 10 films about the Christmas miracle
New year is a time when dreams come true, and it does not matter whether you live on 3rd street Builders or Fifth Avenue. We have compiled for you a…


"The dead don't die": phlegmatic inevitability
Jim Jarmusch in General in love with zombies was not particularly noticed: Yes, he mentioned them in his previous creation, "only lovers will Survive", but few people expected a film…
