Watch and dance: the top seven movies about dancing
"Dance is almost a Declaration of love," Dostoevsky said. "Cinema should make the viewer forget that he is sitting in the cinema," Polanski repeated. Movies about dancing or dancing in…

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"Ralph vs. the Internet": deep thoughts in a child's wrapper
Animation has long ceased to be a genre for children. Hundreds of threads on forums are devoted to search of various Easter eggs and references to the real world and…

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The ghoulish seven: top scariest movies of the 2000s (part 1)
Have you ever wondered about the reason for such a wide popularity of the horror genre? Is it normal to watch people suffer on the screen? Well, it depends what…

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“Isle of dogs”: an adult tale in which dogs are more human than humans

At the box office, Isle of Dogs is the second animated film by Wes Anderson, a self-taught American independent film Director. Known for his individual artistic manner, which is characterized by verified symmetry, “tasty” color palette and constant black humor, Our audience Anderson familiar films “Tenenbaum Family” (2001),” Train to Darjeeling “(2007),” Kingdom of the full moon “(2012) and “hotel” Grand Budapest” (2014).

We watched the cartoon and try to explain why it is worth watching and you.

So the mayor is a fantastic Japanese city of Nagasaki hate hate dogs accusing our brothers in the spread of a dangerous virus, they send them to the island. Garbage island, where dogs of all stripes, regardless of status and past achievements, are forced to live out their dog age. By the way, “dog” in this case is not a very appropriate definition: one of the distinctive features of Anderson’s animation is the humanization of animals, while people, on the contrary, are too schematic, and a whole army of anti-heroes relies on one positive character. Continue reading

"Favorite" Yorgos Lanthimos: rabbits, chocolate cakes and other" weaknesses " of Queen Anne
This week in the Russian hire came "Favorite" (The favorite) Yorgos Lanthimos. The film for Lantimosa highly ambiguous and not so pretentious as "Murder of sacred deer" or "Lobster" -…


Five must-see movies about music
If you want to really feel the life of your favorite artist or band, you should pay attention to the genre of documentary films about music. Agree, nothing captures as…


Scary evil: eight charismatic maniacs from the world of cinema (part 1)
We continue to develop the theme of horror, and this time we present a selection of the most intriguing psychopaths from the world of cinema from Hitchcock to the present…
