"Chronicles of predatory cities": the triumph of the picture over the meaning
Authors, artists and other creators regularly come up with a variety of ends of the world for our world, describe in detail the worlds that grow out of the ashes…

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"Captain marvel": friendly neighbor Carol Danvers
Although a single cinematic universe Marvel and appeared earlier kinovselennoy DC, a solo film about a female character in it came out just now. In the tape "Captain marvel" (Captain…

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Short on the main thing: five mini-series that you can watch in one day
2018 gave a lot of good projects mini-format, and we have selected for you the best of the best. The list includes the premieres of the outgoing year, which appealed…

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The success story of the Marvel cinematic universe and its impact on culture (part 1)

On Monday, April 29, in Russia started rolling the final picture in the current phase of the marvel cinematic universe- “Avengers: Final” (Avengers: Endgame). Marvel together with Disney went to this 11 years, released 22 films and quite seriously changed the attitude of the community to comics — both classic print and their film adaptations.

I will talk about the American comic book industry, as Marvel is, in General, one of the American companies represented in this market. More recently, the love of these picture books among teenagers and young people was often considered something shameful. Some argued that comic book lovers were hiding from the harsh unfriendly world in a world not real, hiding from the pale reality in acid colors. Continue reading

"MiG": 25 meters.
At the box office, a fantastic Thriller with a concise title " Meg " joint American-Chinese production. Declared in the list of the hottest new films of the summer season,…


10 best and worst films about composers
Everything in this world has been covered in movies, and classical music is no exception. The personalities of many great composers aroused the interest of Directors, which is not surprising,…


The success story of the Marvel cinematic universe and its impact on culture (part 2)
"Dr. Strange" raised important questions of belief in oneself and in the world, questions of perception of reality and how it can be influenced. It is impossible to leave aside…
